Day 10 proves to be the Age of Enlightenment for me. Nothing on this day matters other than that we made our first pasta. Much like a new born baby, we proudly gawk and smile giddily at the product of our union. We have slaved over our pasta, kneading it, massaging it, and letting it rest when appropriate. What it gives back is ten-fold.
And like a new parent, we slave over our dough baby only to find that we have no clue what we are doing. We run into trouble, but it is not our fault and of course not the fault of our supple pasta. In this case, it turns out to be the so anticipated pasta maker that arrived yesterday. It has a screw loose--no joking. It has to be taken apart, aligned properly, and reconstructed. But in the end, we roll out a nice fettuccine that makes us proud.

This is where my pasta veers from acting like a baby. From here on out, it behaves perfectly; giving us some phenomenal pasta. We top our pasta with fresh fava beans and pancetta. If you have never had fava beans, you are in for a treat (if you give them a try). They turn out to be a bit of effort in that they have to be blanched and peeled before cooking, but really well worth the time.

At the end of the meal, I took pictures of our plates (as they looked to have been licked clean), but decided it was such a profound, private moment that I decided not to post any.
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